Base dudow 026 2000 – Questão 42

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The simple past tense
A frase “The PC failed yesterday” na forma interrogativa é:
a) The PC failed yesterday?
b) Did the PC failed yesterday?
c) Did the PC fail yesterday?
d) the PC did failed yesterday?
e) Do PC failed yesterday?

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According to the text, Chilean women a) have better work perspectives than other South American women. b) lag behind women in other South American countries in terms of political power. c) work hard but don’t get good salaries despite Chile’s economic development. d) face many obstacles when they have to move to different regions. e) are taking different measures to overcome their political problems.
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No trecho do último parágrafo — like the body’s muscles, —, a palavra like indica a) semelhança. b) exemplificação. c) generalização. d) probabilidade. e) contraste.
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