Base dudow 026 2000 – Questão 41
Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The simple past tense
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Assinale a alternativa na qual a palavra “to” desempenha a mesma função encontrada em “... Hollenbeck declines to second-guess whether...”
a) He pauses to think.
b) The main thing is to protect the people.
c) You have to live among them.
d) He remembers how good it felt to read something that actually applied…
e) Compared to that war, Iraq these days is looking good.UNIFESP port e inglês 2007 – Questão 39
No trecho do último parágrafo do texto – ...and who cares enough to stay informed,... – a palavra who refere-se:
a) ao Dr. Baron.
b) às pessoas.
c) ao médico.
d) aos telespectadores.
e) ao físicoFGV Administração 2011 – Questão 44
In the middle of paragraph 3, the phrase “That’s not how it feels…” most likely refers to which of the following?
...UERJ 2009 – Questão 19
And Heaven knows we need those examples now
According to the fragment above, hero figures are currently regarded as:
a) scarce
b) dubious
c) remarkable
d) inspirationalBase dudow 2000 – Questão 5
Barbara Bash' feelings (lines 36-39) cannot be described as:
a) Happy.
b) unhappy
c) Hopeful.
d) Pleased.
e) Optimistic.