Base dudow 026 2000 – Questão 40
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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Base dudow 2000 – Questão 41
The adjective safe in the sentence: “Going to the doctor isn’t as safe as you might think” is in the:a) superlative degree of superiority.b) comparative degree of inferiority.c) comparative degree of superiority.d) superlative degree of inferiority.e) comparative degree of equality.UNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 47
Na frase do primeiro parágrafo “for most people who oppose such research ...”, “such research” refere-se
a) à clonagem reprodutiva.
b) às pesquisas com células-tronco.
c) à clonagem terapêutica.
d) à pesquisa sobre legislação a ser adotada.
e) ao uso de SCNT na clonagem de células-tronco.FGV Economia 2010 – Questão 77
One of the favorable aspects the text presents about Brazil is its
a) political leadership in the Americas.
b) over-levered economy.
c) attraction to foreign investors.
d) coherent energy policy.
e) unstable level of interest rates.UNIFESP port e inglês 2007 – Questão 33
Granting tradable emission credits
a) is considered a feasible solution by developing countries.
b) will prevent deforestation because developed countries will invest in forest preservation.
c) is backed by countries such as Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica and Brazil.
d) allows credit for planting trees in the Amazon as well as preventing the destruction of rainforests.
e) could be useless because industrialized nations might not diminish their emissions and get credits instead.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 69
How much did the young man buy of gas? And how much did the man give him at first?
a) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $20.
b) The young man bought $6 dollars and the other gave him $20.
c) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $50.
d) The young man bought $6 dollars and the other gave him $50.
e) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $6.