Base dudow 026 2000 – Questão 24

Linguagens / Inglês / Active and passive voice / Passive structures
Maya Widmaier-Picasso, a daughter of Picasso who  authenticates works attributed to him, said this week that the  drawing of a faun bought in 2004 by a San Francisco doctor through Costco, the warehouse-club wholesaler, was not  made by her father and that a certificate accompanying it had  been forged. 
The pronouncement came three weeks after Widmaier-Picasso declared that two other drawings offered as Picassos at Costco's Web site were not by Picasso  – a sketch of a face,  sold in 2005 and one of a bullfight, which was not sold and  has been withdrawn from the site. 
Costco officials said this week that they were conducting an inquiry into the authenticity of the three drawings and ad offered customers full refunds for the two disputed Picasso drawings that were sold.
(from International Herald Tribune, April 8-9, 2006)
In the text, all the following verb-phrases are passive constructions, except
a) was not made (lines 4 and 5). 
b) had been forged (lines 5 and 6
c) has been withdrawn (line 11). 
d) were conducting (line 12). 
e) were sold (line 15).

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