Base dudow 026 2000 – Questão 22
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Analyse the characteristics of a text: type of discourse; genre; structure; objectives
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
FGV Economia 2009 – Questão 78
The factors that influenced the middle class uprising are:
a) migration from informal to formal economy and education.
b) ownership of a car or motorbike due to lack of public transport.
c) per capita monthly income ranging from 1,064 reais to 4,561 reais.
d) that 44% to 52% of the population has left classes D and C.
e) those who were aged from 15 to 21 in the 1990s are now taking jobs in the formal economy.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 57
Princess Anne is …………………………………..
a) Queens‘s of England daughter.
b) The queen‘s of England‘s daughter.
c) The Queen of England‘s daughter.
d) England‘s the Queen daughter.
e) The daughter of the Queen of England‘s.UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 68
Salim would be surprised to see the narrator because the narrator
a) has become a vendor.
b) is wearing Levi's jeans.
c) is using hired transportation.
d) has arrived by train.
e) is carrying a suitcase.FGV Administração 2011 – Questão 32
According to the information in the article,
...FATEC (2ºsem) 2009 – Questão 14
Pesquisas realizadas mostraram que o absinto
a) possui alguns ingredientes suspeitos.
b) é uma bebida e não se trata de uma droga.
c) possui corantes com altos teores tóxicos.
d) possui alto teor alcoólico.
e) é colorido artificialmente.