Base dudow 026 2000 – Questão 21

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Dubai is one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It _____ (locate) south of the Persian Gulf on the  Arabian Peninsula. The Dubai Municipality____ (call) Dubai state to distinguish it from the emirate. Written accounts document the existence of the city for at least 150 years prior to the formation of the UAE.
Dubai shares  legal,  political,  military, and economic functions with the other emirates within a federal framework, although each emirate has jurisdiction over some functions such as civic law enforcement and provision and upkeep of local facilities. [...] Dubai ____ (rule) by the  Al Maktoum dynasty since 1833. Its current ruler, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is also the Prime Minister and Vice-President of the UAE.
The emirate's main revenues are from  tourism, property, and financial services. Although Dubai's economy ____ (build)  on the  oil industry, revenues from  petroleum and natural gas currently contribute less than 6% (2006) of the emirate's  US$ 80 billion economy (2009). Property and construction contributed 22.6% to the economy in 2005, before the current largescale construction boom.
Sobre Dubai, o texto permite afirmar que:
a) Dubai existe desde a formação dos Emirados Árabes.
b) Dubai era governada por Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum em 1833.
c) A principal receita de Dubai atualmente é proveniente da exploração de petróleo e gás natural.
d) a indústria do petróleo rendeu ao emirado  U$  80 billion.
e) A receita de Dubai provém em 22,6 % da construção civil.

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