Base dudow 026 2000 – Questão 18

Linguagens / Inglês / Vocabulary / Specific Vocabulary from the English Language
“At age 3 a girl sees a princess in the mirror.
At 8 she sees herself as a queen.
At 15 she sees pimples, hair too straight or too curly.
At 20. 30 and 40 she sees too fat or too thin, too short or too tall.
At 50 she sees wrinkles and laugh lines and days: ‘I am what I am. Take me or leave me, world.’
At 60 she sees wisdom and knowledge. She is at peace with herself.
At 70 she gives thanks when she recalls that there are people in the world who can’t even see.
At 80 she ignores the mirror, dons her flowered straw hat, and goes out to enjoy the world.”
Qual a melhor tradução para a expressão “dons her flowered straw hat”?
a) usa seu chapéu de palha florido
b) doa flores e chapéu coloridos
c) dança músicas havaianas usando saia de flores
d) vende flores e garras de animais empalhados
e) planta flores numa reserva ambiental
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