Base dudow 026 2000 – Questão 12
Linguagens / Inglês / If clauses / The Type Two Conditional
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If you sell more than you did last year
a) he'll be out on his ear.
b) I'll buy you a new car.
c) you'll soon be on your way
d) you'll be in big trouble.
e) you´ll not sell more than last yearBase dudow 2000 – Questão 19
Me and Peterson ....................................... our dates to this place last night. And now its over.
a) Has brought
b) Bring.
c) Have bring
d) Brought
e) Have broughtBase dudow 2000 – Questão 77
Assinale a alternativa em que o referente do pronome está INCORRETAMENTE indicado:
a) he (ref.1) ⇒ Dr. Block
b) its (ref.3) ⇒ internet addiction
c) them (ref.4)⇒ the government
d) who (ref.6) ⇒ addicts
e) their (ref.11) ⇒ internet addicts