Albert Einstein 2017 – Questão 21

Linguagens / Inglês
Bread Is Better Than Ever
Ina Garten June 30, 2016
Thirty years ago, Americans lived on processed White bread, and it was almost impossible to find a fresh baguette or a loaf of sourdough. My friend Eli Zabar began baking fresh breads in a brick oven in the basement of this store E.A.T. on Madison Avenue in New York City, and now there are extraordinary artisanal bakers in cities and towns all across America. Even better, bakers like Dan Barber at Blue Hill at Stone Barns now grow and seek out heirloom wheat and use it to make bread that is not only delicious but good for you too.
This appears in the July 11, 2016 issue of TIME.
Bread is better than ever
Bloomberg/Getty Images
De acordo com o texto, sabe-se que
a) Ina Garten e Eli Zabar moraram na Madison Avenue em NY.
b) a confecção de pães artesanais evoluiu para versões mais saudáveis.
c) receitas familiares para confecção de pães caíram em desuso.
d) Eli Zabar uniu-se recentemente a Dan Barber e Blue Hill para a produção de pães artesanais.

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