UNIFESP port e inglês 2015 – Questão 32
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension
Esta questão recebeu 1 comentário
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The old lady is presented by means of the description of her actions and looks.
The passage from the text which best describes her bodily appearance is in:
a) she eyed me rapidly, without turning. (ref.1)
b) she fell asleep the moment she inclined her head. (ref.2)
c) she could fit into the palm of your hand. (ref.3)
d) the whole of her wrinkled face suddenly gleamed. (ref.4)UNESP 2008 – Questão 79
Indique a alternativa correta.
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In the excerpt of the last paragraph — So, choose wisely.
— the word so can be replaced, without changing its meaning, for
a) Therefore.
b) Otherwise.
c) Nevertheless.
d) Moreover.
e) Furthermore.