UNIFESP port e inglês 2015 – Questão 32
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension
Esta questão recebeu 1 comentário
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A frase "The Aral Sea region is also heavily polluted" (ref.11) pode ser reescrita, sem mudança de significado, por: "The Aral Sea region is
a) less heavily polluted".
b) heavily polluted too".
c) even more polluted".
d) is rather polluted".
e) even less polluted"UNIFESP s/ port e inglês 2008 – Questão 20
Atualmente, os seres vivos são classificados em cinco grandes reinos. Na caracterização do Reino Animalia (animais), é correto afirmar que:
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In paragraph 2, when the article talks about "an underlying difference in psychology," it most likely means that
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Fazem parte da decoração do restaurante Clink
a) sofás charmosos revestidos com couro.
b) poltronas confortáveis revestidas com veludo.
c) cadeiras revestidas com lã.
d) cadeiras de couro e sofás revestidos com lã.
e) cadeiras de madeira com almofadas de veludo.UERJ (julho) 2007 – Questão 18
...laughing till my sides hurt, heard my voice finally blend with the others. (ref.3)
The attitude of the author as a child is justified by the following fragment:
a) “Although we grew up together, we still had class outcasts.” (ref.1)
b) “providing the group with ample material for jokes.” (ref.2)
c) “I knew perfectly well what it felt like to be mocked myself.” (ref.4)
d) “Often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted by oneself,” (ref.5)