UNIFESP port e inglês 2012 – Questão 38

Linguagens / Inglês
          How computers will soon get under our skin
By Steve Connor, Science Editor
12 August 2011

    It may soon be possible to wear your computer or mobile phone under your sleeve, with the invention of anultra-thin and flexible electronic circuit that can be stuckto the skin like a temporary tattoo. The device, which isalmost invisible, can perform just as well as more conventional electronic machines but without the need forwires or bulky power supplies, scientists said. The development could mark a new era in consumer electronics. The technology could be used forapplications ranging from medical diagnosis to covert military operations.
  The “epidermal electronic system” relies on a highly flexible electrical circuit composed of snake-like conducting channels that can bend and stretch without affecting performance. The circuit is about the size of a postage stamp, is thinner than a human hair and sticks to the skin by natural electrostatic forces rather than glue. “We think this could be an important conceptual advancein wearable electronics, to achieve something that is almost unnoticeable to the wearer. The technology can connect you to the physical world and the cyber world ina very natural way that feels comfortable,” said Professor Todd Coleman of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who led the research team.
   A simple stick-on circuit can monitor a person’s hear trate and muscle movements as well as conventional medical monitors, but with the benefit of being weight lessand almost completely undetectable. Scientists said it mayalso be possible to build a circuit for detecting throat movements around the larynx in order to transmit the information wirelessly as a way of recording a person’sspeech, even if they are not making any discerniblesounds.Tests have already shown that such a system can beused to control a voice-activated computer game, and onesuggestion is that a stick-on voicebox circuit could beused in covert police operations where it might be toodangerous to speak into a radio transmitter. “The blurring of electronics and biology is really the key poin there,” said Yonggang Huang, professor of engineering at North western University in Evanston, Illinois. “All established forms of electronics are hard, rigid. Biologyis soft, elastic. It’s two different worlds. This is a way totruly integrate them.”
    Engineers have built test circuits mounted on a thin ubbery substrate that adheres to the skin. The circuits have included sensors, light-emitting diodes, transistors, radio frequency capacitors, wireless antennas, conductivecoils and solar cells. “We threw everything in our bag oftricks on to that platform, and then added a few other new ideas on top of those, to show that we could make it work,” said John Rogers, professor of engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a leadauthor of the study, published in the journal Science.
(www.independent.co.uk. Adaptado.)
O trecho do quarto parágrafo – All established forms of electronics are hard, rigid. Biology is soft, elastic. – pode ser reescrito, sem alteração de sentido, como
a) All established forms of electronics are hard and rigid; therefore, biology is soft and elastic.
b) All established forms of electronics are hard and rigid instead of biology, that is soft and elastic.
c) All established forms of electronics are hard and rigid, where biology is soft and elastic.
d) All established forms of electronics are hard and rigid whereas biology is soft and elastic.
e) All established forms of electronics are hard and rigid because biology is soft and elastic.

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