UNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 24
Linguagens / Literatura / Modernismo Brasileiro: 2a Fase / Mário Quintana
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In the sentence of the third paragraph “However, the country has been criticised by some activists who say the government has struck a deal with a major pharmaceutical company to avoid breaking the patent on the firm’s anti-Aids drugs.”, the word “however” can be substituted, without changing the meaning, for
a) Nevertheless.
b) Furthermore.
c) Inasmuch.
d) Somehow.
e) Unless.UNIFESP port e inglês 2006 – Questão 38
The Brazilian anti-AIDS program
a) distributes free drugs to people who need treatment.
b) is aggressive and discriminates sex workers.
c) provides free condoms to all the population and adolescents.
d) has been developed jointly with the International AIDS Society.
e) is similar to the Kenya anti-AIDS program.UNESP (julho) 2011 – Questão 19
São dez cabeças; é muito pouco, é quase nada – São dez filinho, é muito pouco, é quase nada – É pequenina, é miudinha, é quase nada.
...ENEM 1ºAplicação - Linguagens e Humanas 2019 – Questão 23
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