UNICAMP 2021 – Questão 20

Linguagens / Inglês
Equity is about giving people what they need, in order to make things fair. This is not the same as equality, social justice, nor is it the same as inequality. It is giving more tothose who need it, which is proportionate to their own circumstances, in order to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities; for example providing more support to a disadvantaged student so they can reach their full potential.
(Adaptado de https://social-change.co.uk/blog/2019-03-29-equality-and-equity; https://cx.report/2020/06/02/equity/.
Acessado em 22/07/2020.

Sabemos que esses conceitos são complexos. Diante disso, o designer Tony Ruth os representou graficamente, como ilustram as figuras a seguir. Assinale a alternativa que mais se aproxima do conceito destacado no trecho anterior.




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