UNICAMP 2021 – Questão 15
Linguagens / Inglês
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One of the favorable aspects the text presents about Brazil is its
a) political leadership in the Americas.
b) over-levered economy.
c) attraction to foreign investors.
d) coherent energy policy.
e) unstable level of interest rates.UFSJ CG Linguagens 2012 – Questão 14
According to the text, it is CORRECT to say that
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 45
A frase “Cuidem das crianças” em inglês” é “Look ________ the children”, completando-a com a preposição:
a) at
b) for
c) after
d) out
e) overBase dudow 2000 – Questão 55
No carton abaixo, a fala do Sargento deve ser passada corretamente para o futuro usando-se Going to. Qual a opção que faz isso corretamente?
a) Hey! These meatballs are going to be delicious!
b) Hey! These meatballs are going be delicious!
c) Hey! These meatballs is going to be delicious!
d) Hey! These meatballs will going delicious!
e) Hey! These meatballs am going to be delicious!PUC -SP 2019 – Questão 59
No sexto parágrafo, outra maneira de dizer “Those of uswho are following this closely are actually quite scared”,pode ser:
a) “Those of us who were following this closely areactually quite scared”.
b) “Those of us who followed this were actually quitescared.”
c) “Those of us who have been following this closely areactually quite scared”.
d) “Those of us who could follow this would have beenactually quite scared.”