UNICAMP 2020 – Questão 7
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Compare different texts: find similarities and differences
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b) 2cm
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Leia o diálogo a seguir.
– Tomorrow will be my last day here.
– Really? I didn’t know!
– I’ll work in London at Gucci store. Tomorrow I’ll give a party at my apartment. You’re going there, _________?
Assinale a opção que completa adequadamente a lacuna no diálogo.
a) were you
b) will you
c) won’t you
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a) have
b) has
c) will has
d) will have
e) will to haveUNESP 2005 – Questão 75
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According to the text:
a) Jo Cresdee wrote a famous book about traditional English recipes.
b) Jo Cresdee failed to prove that lasagna is an Italian recipe.
c) A medieval festival will be held in England this month.
d) The basic English diet does not include potatoes.
e) Jo Cresdee tasted lasagna, for the first time, at a medieval festival in England.