UNICAMP 2020 – Questão 7

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Compare different texts: find similarities and differences
John Milton and Freedom of Speech on Campus
By Daniel F. Sullivan
A few years ago, at a seminar meant to help college presidents think about the issues they face as campus leaders, I read John Milton's Areopagitica: A speech for the liberty of unlicensed printing to the parliament of England. Originally published in 1644, Areopagitica makes a powerful argument for freedom of speech and against censorship in publishing. After twenty years as a college president, having experienced and observed many calls to censor, I've come to believe that there is not much to know on the topic beyond what Milton wrote over 350 years ago.
Areopagitica was published in response “to Parliament's ordinance for licensing the press of June 14, 1643.” The effect of the ordinance against which Milton wrote “was to give Archbishop Laud, who was also Chancellor of the University of Oxford, control over every press in England, with power to stop publication of any book contrary to the Doctrine of the Church of England.” This was disturbing to Milton, who wrote, “as good almost kill a man as kill a good book: [he] who kills a man kills a reasonable creature; but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself.”
(Adaptado de https://www.questia.com/magazin
campus.Acessado em 15/05/2019.)

A relação entre o posicionamento do autor do texto e o de John Milton na publicação mencionada é de
a) divergência, pois o autor julga que as ideias de Milton sobre liberdade de expressão parecem ultrapassadas em relação ao que ocorre hoje nas universidades.
b) divergência, pois diferentemente de Milton, o autor critica o fato de haver, nas universidades inglesas, apelos para que a censura seja exercida no campus.
c) concordância, pois o autor apoia a mesma linha de pensamento de Milton quanto às críticas ao controle da liberdade de imprensa.
d) concordância, pois o autor alinha-se a Milton quanto à ideia de que destruir um bom livro é o mesmo que destruir uma criatura racional.
Esta questão recebeu 2 comentários

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