UNICAMP 2016 – Questão 86

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
Advice for new students from those who know (old students)
The first day of college I was a ball of nerves. I remember walking into my first class and running to the first seat I found, thinking everyone would be starting at me. But nobody seemed to notice and then it hit me: The fact that nobody knew me meant nobody would judge, which, upon reflection, was what I was scared of the most. I told myself to let go. All along the year, I forced myself into situations that were uncomfortable for me – for example, auditioning for a dance piece. Believe it or not, that performance was a highlight of my freshman year. My advice: challenge yourself to try something new, something you couldn’t have done in high school.
Ria Jagasia, Vanderbilt University,’18.
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/02/education/edlive/ advice-for-new-students-from-those-who-know-old-students.html?refedlife (adaptado)
No primeiro dia de faculdade, Ria ficou muito nervosa:
a) por não conhecer ninguém.
b) por achar que seria julgada pelos colegas.
c) porque ninguém olhou para ela.
d) porque não sabia dançar.
Esta questão recebeu 1 comentário

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