UNESP (julho) 2012 – Questão 22

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Amy Winehouse greets
Whitney Houston in heaven
(by Hideaki Tailor)​
HEAVEN - Psychics are saying that Amy Winehouse was the first soul singer to greet Whitney Houston, even before Michael Jackson. 
Top psychics in Los Angeles are saying that Whitney Houston’s spirit is already “lighting up” heaven. “It’s like the universal source has called the greatest voice of all time back to heaven. It’s pure magic up there.”
“Amy was right there. She gave Whitney a big angel hug and walked with her as she met some of her ancestors, relatives and... Michael Jackson.”
Both singers had trouble on earth with alcohol and
drugs, but they are at peace now. “Fame was too much
for their gentle souls,” said Madam Marie of Sherman
Oaks. “Their voices were a gift to our world, but caused
great damage to their spirits on earth. Now, they are in a
better place.”
One psychic said that Amy Winehouse and Whitney
Houston are planning a “concert” together in Whitney’s
first few  months. “Amy’s been doing very well in heaven
and feels free and happy.”
While Americans and fans around the world mourn the
terrible loss o f Whitney, the angels are rejoicing. “Our
songbird is home,” is what St. Peter reportedly said when
greeting Whitney, according to a psychic on Venice
(http://weeklyworldnews.com. Adaptado.)

Amy Winehouse cumprimentou Whitney Houston
a) porque ambas tinham os mesmos ancestrais, que viviam na cidade de Los Angeles.
b) em companhia do cantor Michael Jackson, que havia morrido antes das duas cantoras.
c) com um abraço e a acompanhou para encontrar alguns
de seus parentes já falecidos.
d) logo após a cantora ter cumprimentado Michael Jackson com um abraço caloroso.
e) porque tinham se tornado grandes amigas quando se
conheceram em Los Angeles.
Esta questão recebeu 2 comentários

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