UFSM 2012 ps2 - todas menos Fil, Esp - resoluções no final 2012 – Questão 52
Linguagens / Inglês / Sentences / Sentence functions
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Base dudow 2000 – Questão 20
A sentença ―"If Orwell‘s book were to be written, you would have a nightmare vision of the world" na Terceira Condicional é:
...UERJ 2009 – Questão 21
The family will finally be able to pay for Sunny’s cyst removal surgery. The proverb that best justifies this course of action is:
a) Never do things by halves.
b) Prevention is better than cure.
c) It is in giving that we receive.
d) No road is long with good company.FGV Economia 2009 – Questão 81
In Brazil, according to polls, the middle class:
a) used to favour PSDB instead of PT; however, this trend has changed.
b) includes classes D and C and both will probably vote for PT candidates.
c) will define next municipal elections in 26 state capitals.
d) considers Lula’s image acceptable but would rather choose Fernando Henrique for president.
e) greatly benefits from the governmental social programs but still considers them insufficient.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 69
Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) O time de futebol americano Jets saiu-se bem na temporada de 2008.
b) Bart Scott e Jim Leonhard não são considerados bons jogadores.
c) O autor do texto considera que o time certamente será vencedor.
d) Ainda não se sabe quais jogadores assumirão posições importantes no time.
e) O time de futebol americano Jets reúne todas as chances de vencer na próxima temporada.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 32
Assinale a alternativa correta para o Genitive Case.
Some books of Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas are much complicated.
a) Some Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas‘s books are much complicated.
b) Some Shakespeares‘ and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.
c) Some Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.
d) Some Shakespeare‘s and Alexandre Dumas‘s books are much complicated.
e) Some Shakespeare‘s and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.