UFSM 2012 ps1 - todas menos Fil, H, G, Esp - resol. no final 2012 – Questão 32

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Analyse the characteristics of a text: type of discourse; genre; structure; objectives
Smart Jocks: Sport Helps Kids Classroom Performance
When kids exercise, they boost brainpower as well as brawn
By Steve Ayan | September 9, 2010.
Despite1 frequent reports that regular exercise benefits the adult brain, when it comes to schoolchildren, the concept of the dumb jock persists. The star quarterback stands in stark contrast to the math-team champion. After all, the two types require seemingly disparate talents: physical prowess versus intellect. Letting kids run around or throw a ball seems, at best, tangential to the real work of learning and, at worst, a distraction from it2.
Parents, teachers and education policy makers have pitted athletics against academics even as they trumpet exercise as an antidote to obesity and poor health. From preschool onward, teachers encourage children to sit still rather than3 scamper. Many schools have cut back on physical education to make room for the three R's. And when4 student scores on standardized tests become of primary importance to parents, politicians or other stakeholders in the education system, educators may feel pressured to direct students toward academic pursuits and away from athletic ones.
In Brief
Students who are fit – based on their high aerobic capacity and low body fat – also tend to perform well in school and on standardized tests.
In addition5 to regular exercise, brief periods of movement such as jumping or stretching can6 help improve children's concentration.
Exercise may7 turbocharge the brain by raising levels of neuronal growth factors, which foster the formation of new connections between brain cells.

Brawn = força física.
Growth = crescimento.
Jock = esportista, atleta.
Prowess = talento, habilidade.
To pit sb/sth against sth = testar, pôr à prova.
To scamper = mexer-se, agitar-se, mover-se.
To stretch = alongar-se.
Com relação à organização textual, é INCORRETO afirmar que
a) o subtítulo (ou linha de apoio) apresenta um problema, e os dois primeiros parágrafos, a solução.
b) o título apresenta um dado geral sobre o qual há detalhes no fragmento intitulado “In Brief” (três últimos parágrafos).
c) os dois primeiros parágrafos listam práticas e crenças sobre um problema, cuja solução é indicada no título e subtítulo (ou linha de apoio).
d) juntamente com o título, a imagem identifica-se com o fragmento intitulado “In Brief” (três últimos parágrafos).
e) as informações nos dois primeiros parágrafos expressam pontos de vista que estão em oposição àqueles expressos nas informações do fragmento intitulado “In Brief” (três últimos parágrafos).

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