UFSJ Inglês 2012 – Questão 47
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
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The intention underlying the combination of image and words is to:
a) protect animal life
b) draw city park-goers
c) control sea water pollution
d) sponsor environmental campaignsBase dudow 2000 – Questão 71
How can we put this sentence into present perfect continuous: I will try hard to pay this forward to somebody else in need?
...UNESP (julho) 2010 – Questão 3
No terceiro período do texto, o autor emprega três vezes o possessivo “sua”. Considerando que os possessivos apresentam nos textos uma função anafórica, ou seja, fazem referência a um termo oracional anterior, aponte a alternativa que indica o núcleo desse termo:
a) elementos
b) linguagem
c) pessoas
d) ordem
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Select the CORRECT statement according to the text.a) People dream of traveling to cold places.b) The world is becoming more and more integrated.c) In foreign countries you can study at very good universities.d) By studying in a foreign country people learn to defend their convictions.e) Studying abroad is a requisite of good universities besides of giving you the chance to get better jobs in the future.FAMERP 2016 – Questão 78
According to the text, “vaccine hesitancy”:
a) describes a behaviour when people fail to take vaccines.
b) happens when children don’t respond adequately to vaccines.
c) is induced by beliefs that vaccines are inefficient.
d) contributes to closing the immunization gap.
e) is responsible for the death of one in five children.