UFSJ Inglês 2012 – Questão 47

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Classic Advertising Mistake: Arabic version
A disappointed salesman of Coca Cola returns from his assignment in Arabia.
Afriend asked, “Why weren’t you successful with the Arabs?”
The salesman explained, “When I got posted in the Middle East, I was very confident that I would make a good sales pitch in rural areas. But, I had a problem I didn’t know how to speak Arabic. So, I planned to convey the message through three posters...”
First poster - Aman lying in the hot desert sand... totally exhausted and fainting.
Second poster - man is drinking our Cola.
Third poster - Our man is now totally refreshed.
Then these posters were pasted all over the place
“That should have worked,” said the friend.
The salesman replied “I didn’t realize that in Arabic you read from right to left.”
Taken from: Clipmarks.com
Available at: <http://clipmarks.com/clipmark/BC4C6FAC-C464-4D58-A4B5-BA0E7267CF79/>.
Access: August 30th, 2011.
In the text, the sentence “That should have worked” means that the strategy used by the salesman
a) will work properly, so the salesman can use it.
b) worked as expected in spite of the problems.
c) did not work, but it was a good strategy.
d) will not work and the salesman must not try it.
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