UFSJ Inglês 2012 – Questão 39

Linguagens / Inglês / Phrases / Definition
Choose the alternative which contains a CORRECT substitute for the word in bold in each of the following sentences:
a) “Instead, unease with the current approach has spilled out over the past year in fierce exchanges on newspaper editorial pages and formal debating platforms.” Instead: for example.
b) “… South Africa's finest university is now resplendently multiracial. However, it isalso engaged in a searching debate about just how far affirmative action should go...” However: Because of this.
c) “… echoing similar conflicts in the United States, where half a dozen states have banned the use of racial preferences in admissions to public universities.” Banned: prohibited.
d) “Prof. NevilleAlexander, a marxist sociologist, has roused the campus debate with the charge thataffirmative action betrays the idealsofnonracialism...” Roused: finished.

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