UFSJ CG Linguagens 2012 – Questão 12
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
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ENEM 1ª Aplicação Espanhol 2019 – Questão 3
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 74
Which is FALSE?
a) In the US, the main cause of Internet addiction is spending time on social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace.
b) The average South Korean high school student spends more than twenty hours a day playing online games.
c) People have died as a consequence of their Internet addiction.
d) South Koreans go online at Internet cafes more often than Americans.
e) Internet addiction is easy to treat.UNESP (julho) 2006 – Questão 82
O problema apresentado em relação à técnica denominada cirurgia de microfratura é que
a) os buracos feitos no osso são muito grandes.
b) a cartilagem fica ensopada de sangue.
c) o sangue não é suficiente para nutrir a parte machucada.
d) fica difícil controlar onde a cartilagem será exatamente recolocada.
e) os buracos do osso aumentam com a passagem do sangue.ENEM 1ºAplicação - Linguagens e Humanas 2022 – Questão 1
As my official bio reads, I was made in Cuba, assembled in Spain, and imported to the United States — meaning my mother, seven months pregnant, and the rest of my family arrived as exiles from Cuba to Madrid, where I was born. Less than two months...UNESP 2013 – Questão 23
Considerando-se o propósito do anúncio 2, a oração que poderia fazer parte de um texto a ser incluído nesse anúncio é:
a) Turn on the lights when a room is not being used.
b) Turn on the heaters and boilers on summer days.
c) Turn off the lights when there is nobody in a room.
d) Turn on the tap before you take a bath or a shower.
e) Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.