UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 65
Linguagens / Inglês / Prepositions / Definition
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 50
According to the text:
a) Lasagne is a very traditional English recipe.
b) The English would rather eat pasta than potatoes.
c) A famous English cook introduced the old lasagna in England in 1930.
d) There are no differences between the lasagna you eat in Italy.
e) The Italians were responsible for introducing tomatoes into the old lasagna recipe.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 40
According to the text, one can say that Brazil
a) is larger than the U.S.
b) is one of the world’s ten largest economies today.
c) was considered a country without past.
d) will be the second Latin American country to host an Olympics.
e) had to convince the IOC that Rio was a city that knew how to party.UNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 49
Segundo o texto, é importante
a) dar esperanças a pais em potencial.
b) adequar as instituições para os cientistas em determinados países.
c) favorecer as pesquisas de cientistas que atendem psicologicamente pais em potencial.
d) construir hospitais especializados para aplicar pesquisas com clonagem.
e) impedir, por meio de proibições internacionais, a ação de cientistas desonestos.UERJ 2006 – Questão 21
Politeness in language attenuates the force of commands, partially hiding the intended meaning.
The message on the sign has the same meaning as:
a) pay prior to exiting
b) refunds are not allowed
c) money back guaranteed
d) no eating in the premisesBase dudow 2000 – Questão 78
Don´t treat me as if I ______________ no reason.
a) have
b) did
c) had
d) was
e) were