UFPR 2019 – Questão 87
Linguagens / Inglês
Esta questão recebeu 1 comentário
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O grupo nominal "this procedure", em negrito no segundo parágrafo do texto, refere-se à ideia de
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“I’m not happy here. Maybe one day I’ll travel to London and live there. I really think that Bangladesh it’s not my city. I work here, I live here, but I don’t like here. My job contract expires next month. I’m sure after that I’ll move...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 56
(ESAL-MG) “Mr. Wood was not able to sleep” has the same meaning that:
a) Mr. Wood wouldn’t sleep.
b) Mr. Wood may not sleep.
c) Mr. Wood might not sleep.
d) Mr. Wood couldn’t sleep.
e) Mr. Wood must not sleep.UERJ 2006 – Questão 20
The text and image above are very effective in claiming for peace. According to Indira Gandhi, peacemaking is essentially related to:
a) strength
b) persuasion
c) receptivity
d) competition