UFGD 2020 – Questão 48

Linguagens / Inglês
A handful of startups are racing to create real pieces of meat out of animal cells in a lab. But for the most part, the food that's used to coax those cells to proliferate is an animal product called fetal bovine serum, which comes from slaughtered cows. That means the lab-grown meat isn't yet cruelty-free.
However, the Dutch startup Meatable claims to have solved that problem by using only stem cells from animals' umbilical cords "This way, we don't harm the animals at all, and it's material that would otherwise get thrown away," Krijn De Nood, Meatable's CEO, told Business Insider in September.
The company aims to begin serving its slaughter-free burgers and sausages to restaurants in roughly four years.
Available in: <https://amp.businessinsider.com/biggest-scientific-discoveries-
of-2018-2018-12>. Access in: 17 aug. 2019

Depreende-se do texto que
a) no prazo de quatro anos, cientistas anunciarão que serão lançados hambúrgueres veganos com sabor de carne.
b) a startup Meatable usará células-tronco provenientes de soro bovino na produção de hambúrgueres para evitar a matança de animais.
c) há uma corrida dentre as startups para convencer as pessoas a consumirem menos carne vermelha por meio de hambúrgueres fabricados em laboratório e com sabor semelhante à carne animal.
d) em quatro anos, o uso de hambúrgueres feitos a partir de proteínas do soro bovino estará livre de crueldade animal.
e) Krijn De Nood alega ter solucionado o problema da matança de animais, utilizando células-tronco de cordões umbilicais de animais para a produção de hambúrgueres.

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