UERJ 2019 – Questão 27

Linguagens / Inglês
The effect of climate change on epidemic risk
The potential impacts of climate change have returned to headlines in recent weeks1 as scientists, activists and policy makers try to understand the possible implications2 of a warming planet. While rising temperatures and sea levels are important to be considered3, changing climate patterns can have vast implications for epidemic risk as well4.
Changes in global climate patterns have been widely5 discussed; however, rising temperatures also have implications for risk reduction and management, including impacts on infectious disease epidemics. With 2016 the hottest year ever recorded and 2017 following suit, we anticipate a continued growth in the distribution of disease agents, like mosquitoes and ticks. These can spread illnesses such as zika, yellow fever and dengue6 to areas where they previously could not be effectively7 transmitted.
As predicted by climate scientists, increases in extreme weather events may also lead to increases in infectious disease outbreaks8. Epidemics have previously been seen as a consequence of natural disasters9, which can lead to displaced and crowded populations,10 the ideal situation for infection transmission. Severe rainfall or flooding is particularly11 effective at creating environments suitable for the transmission and propagation of infectious diseases, such as measles or cholera.
Even without rising to the level of a natural catastrophe, significant variation in weather patterns can result in changes in human and animal interactions, increasing the potential for pathogens to move from animals into human populations. For example, unusually heavy rains may predispose regions to ebola outbreaks12 by creating more favorable environments for bats hosting the virus.
Similarly13, food scarcity brought about by drought, political instability or animal disease may lead to more animal hunting, therefore raising the risk for ebola virus epidemic.
It is important to take note of the impact of climate change on epidemic risk, but it is equally important to prepare for its impact on global health. The global health community has largely come to realize that public health preparedness is crucial14 to responding efficiently to infectious disease outbreaks. For this reason, our work is, then, centered around helping governments manage and quantify infectious disease risk. Besides, regardless of weather patterns, insights into epidemics and into mechanisms for ensuring adequate support are critical for managing this risk.
Since the public health community agrees that the question is not if another outbreak will happen, but when,15 the steps we take in the coming years to prepare for and reduce the increasing frequency of outbreaks will determine the broader implications these diseases have on our world.
The global health community has largely come to realize that public health preparedness is crucial(ref.14)
Another word from the text that may replace the underlined one above without significant change in meaning is:
a) widely (ref.5)
b) effectively(ref.7)
c) particularly (ref.11)
d) similarly (ref.13)

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