UERJ 2005 – Questão 20

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
This image for the Golden Gate National Parks was created as part of an identity project to raise awareness of the parks in the San Francisco area. The mark was created by graphic artist Michael Schwab in an effort “to create icons with a timeless American style to them.” The image was used as bus shelter posters, as well as reproduced on T-shirts, mugs and posters for sale at each of the park sites. The response to the image has been greater than expected; many of the transit posters were stolen right out of their frames. A limited edition of 40 x 60" screen-printed posters will be available at The Louvre, a San Francisco gallery. To receive a catalog of available posters, T-shirts or other items call The Parks at 415-657-2757.
The intention underlying the combination of image and words is to:
a) protect animal life
b) draw city park-goers
c) control sea water pollution
d) sponsor environmental campaigns

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As principais reservas de energia dos mamíferos são, em primeiro lugar, as gorduras e, em segundo lugar, um tipo de açúcar, o glicogênio. O glicogênio, porém, tem uma vantagem, para o organismo, em relação às gorduras. Essa vantagem está associada ao fato de o glicogênio apresentar, no organismo, maior capacidade de: a) sofrer hidrólise. b) ser compactado. c) produzir energia. d) solubilizar-se em água.
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