UEL 2014 – Questão 26
Linguagens / Inglês
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 68
Who were the protagonists of this story?
a) The protagonists were the gas station´s owner and a young man.
b) The protagonists were the gas station´s owner and an older man.
c) The protagonists were a man and a young one.
d) They were two young man.
e) They were two men who worked at gas station.UFPR 2015 – Questão 77
Mark the correct alternative, according to the text.
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 76
O que indicam os números abaixo? Releia o § 3: Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
a) 10.000.000 ⇒ total de usuários adictos na China
b) 1.200.000 ⇒ número de internautas adolescentes na Coréia do Sul
c) 210.000 ⇒ número de crianças e adolescentes que precisam de tratamento para a adição à internet na Coréia do Sul
d) 80 ⇒ porcentagem de jovens coreanos que precisam de remédios para problemas neurológicos
e) 23 ⇒ horas semanais aproximadas que os jovens passam jogandoUFSM 2012 ps1 - todas menos Fil, H, G, Esp - resol. no final 2012 – Questão 38
A expressão "rather than" (ref.3) significa
a) em vez de.
b) ainda que.
c) melhor então.
d) para que.
e) além deUERJ 2009 – Questão 17
The text presents a comparative analysis of political involvement in different decades. According to Carroll, the conflicting attitude between youth generations of the 1960s and of today is expressed in the following statement:
a) effective activism is attainable with political support
b) traditional institutions are conscious of political needs
c) community engagement is sustained by political action
d) cooperative actions are dependent on political organizations