PUC -SP 2020 – Questão 61

Linguagens / Inglês
Man who stood up for six hours on flightso wife could sleep goes viral
1 – A man who stood on a plane for six hours so his wife could sleep across three seats has divided opinion online,with some describing the gesture as "romantic" and othersas "selfish" on the wife's part.
2 – Courtney Lee Johnson shared a picture on social media of the man standing in the aisle of the cabin and leaning on the tops of two seats as a woman lay across anentire row with her feet up.
"This guy stood up the whole 6 hours so his wife couldsleep. Now that is love," she claimed in the caption.
3 – While some commenters expressed disbelief that cabin crew had allowed the man to stand for six hours,others said they thought the wife was wrong to expect orallow him to do so.
4 – "That's not love. That's selfishness on the woman'spart," one commenter said. "Can't she just place her headon his shoulders and sleep? Love doesn't work like that."
5 – "Unless she's sick and this is the only rest position inthe circumstance that will make her stay alive. If not, itdoes not make sense", said another.
6 – "If that is love then I rather be lonely," said a third.
7 – Another said: "I won't judge their marriage. My hubsis the kind of man who would do this for me, but I am notthe kind of wife to ask this of him!"
8 – It's not the first time plane etiquette sparked debateonline.
9 – In March, a US man's $220 compensation demandf rom an obese passenger for taking up part of his seatproved controversial.Reddit user Big Bawluh had been booked on a five-hourflight, which he said he endured uncomfortably "pressedup against" the other man and wanted to be"compensated".
10 – "The problem here was that this large dude stuck you with being uncomfortable on your flight, right? Well, the[US]$150 didn't make you any less squished in your seat,so it really feels like you just blackmailed this guy forbeing fat," one said.11 – Others were supportive.12 – "You had every right to ask the flight attendant for asolution, and between the man and you, a solution was agreed upon. Everyone else can relax, because it wasn'ttheir seat being overtaken on a flight."
13 – However, another said the real problem was with the airlines themselves.
14 – "But until consumers organize and demand that airlines stop cramming more and more people into smaller and smaller spaces, most of us have decided tojust grit our teeth and deal with how uncomfortable air travel is."
Lorna ThornberIn: https://www.traveller.com.au/man-who-stood-up-forsix-hours-on-flight-so-wife-could-sleep-goes-viral-h1hw2q
Choose one of the alternatives below that best translates the title of the text.
a) (Foto de) Homem que ficou de pé por seis horas em voo para que a esposa dormisse viraliza.
b) (Foto de) Homem que ficou de pé por seis horas em voo a fim de que a esposa pudesse dormir viralizou na Internet.
c) (Foto de) Homem que ficou de pé por seis horas no avião para que a esposa pudesse dormir provocou virulência.
d) (Foto de) Homem que se recusou a sentar por seis horas no avião para que a esposa pudesse dormir se torna viral.

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