ITA 2004 – Questão 40

Linguagens / Inglês
1The sewer systems of Europe could soon provide a conduit for more than water and waste. A machine vision sewer inspection project has spar-ked interest in using the pipes to lay cables for 5 telecommunications traffic. The project, namedInspecting Sewage Systems and Image Analysisby Computer, or Isaac, is part of a larger European Commission-backed initiative to promote use ofvision technology.
10Project coordinator Mark Sawyer explained thatthe inspection system employs a tractor-mounted CCD matrix camera and curved mirrors for imaginginside the pipes, and proprietary software to convert the data into a perspective that humans caninterpret. It will enable rapid detection of defects inpipe walls and could be in operation within 18months.
“The prospect of using the sewers for telecommunications is still evolving”, he said. Commercial 20 relationships between cable companies and sewerlandlords must be negotiated, and the technologyto install cables has yet to be developed.“However,” he added, “an accurate survey of thesewer system brings it closer.” It’s a concept that 25 could well “go down the tubes”.
PHOTONICS SPECTRA March 2003 p. 176
Assinale a opção que nãocondiz com o texto:
a) ‘sparked’ (linha 4), em “has sparked interest”, tem significado semelhante a ‘stimulated’.
b) ‘Iay’ (linha 4), em “Iay cables”, é o mesmo que ‘ins-tall’.
c) ‘enable’ (linha 15), em “will enable rapid detection”,significa o mesmo que ‘allow’.
d) ‘evolving’ (linha 19), em “is still evolving”, é o mesmo que ‘in progress’.
e) ‘go down the tubes’ (linha 25) é usado com significado semelhante a ‘fail’.

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