FUVEST 2012 – Questão 54

Linguagens / Inglês / Vocabulary / Specific Vocabulary from the English Language
JUST 10 YEARS INTO A NEW CENTURY, MORE THAN TWO-thirds of the country sees the past decade as a period of decline for the U.S., according to a new TIME/Aspen Ideas Festival poll that probed Americans on the decade since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Osama bin Laden is dead and al-Qaeda seriously weakened, but the impact of the 9/11 attacks and the decisions that followed have, in the view of most Americans, put the U.S. in a tailspin that the country has been unable to shake during two administrations and almost 10 years of trying.
ACCORDING TO THE POLL, ONLY 6% OF MORE THAN 2,000 Americans believe the country has completely recovered from the events of 9/11. Some of this pessimism can be tied to fears of more terrorist attacks. Despite the death of bin Laden, most Americans think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is likely.
Time, July 11, 2011. Adaptado.

A sequência “most Americans think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is likely” significa que, para a maioria dos norte-americanos, outro ataque terrorista nos EUA é
a) iminente
b) muito temido
c) impensável
d) provável
e) uma incógnita

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