FUVEST 2011 – Questão 90

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Europe’s economic distress could be China’s opportunity. In the past, the country has proved a hesitant investor in the continent, but figures show a 30 percent surge in new Chinese projects in Europe last year. And these days Europe looks ever more tempting. Bargains proliferate as the yuan strengthens and cashstrapped governments forget concerns over foreign ownership of key assets. On a recent visit to Greece, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang sealed 14 deals, reportedly the largest Chinese investment package in Europe, covering a range of sectors from construction to telecoms.
Meanwhile, Irish authorities have opened talks with Chinese promoters to develop a 240-hectare industrial park in central Ireland where Chinese manufacturers could operate inside the European Union free of quotas and costly tariffs. In time, that could bring 10,000 new jobs. “It’s good business,” says Vanessa Rossi, an authority on China at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. “There’s big mutual benefit here.”
Europe needs money; China needs markets.
Newsweek, July 19, 2010, p. 6. Adaptado.
Afirma-se, no texto, que a Irlanda
a) negocia com a China o desenvolvimento de um parque industrial que trará benefícios à Europa e à própria China.
b) possui um plano de desenvolvimento que exime os investidores de pagamento de impostos.
c) enfrenta sérios problemas de desemprego, que já afetaram dez mil trabalhadores.
d) deseja fechar acordos que envolvam outros países da União Europeia.
e) planeja as mudanças que pretende implementar junto à Câmara Real de Negócios Internacionais, em Londres.
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