FUVEST 2010 – Questão 40

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension
As everybody knows, if you do not work out, your muscles get flaccid. What most people don’t realize, however, is that your brain also stays in better shape when you exercise.
Surprised? Although the idea of exercising cognitive machinery by performing mentally demanding activities − popularly termed the “use it or lose it” hypothesis − is better known, a review of dozens of studies shows that maintaining a mental edge requires more than that. Other things you do − including participating in activities that make you think, getting regular exercise, staying socially engaged and even having a positive attitude − have a meaningful influence on how effective your cognitive functioning will be in old age.
www.scientificamerican.com/article, acessado em 06/07/2009 (adaptado)
Segundo o texto, o bom funcionamento de nosso cérebro na velhice depende, entre outros fatores,
a) das perdas e ganhos que vivenciamos ao longo da vida.
b) da herança genética que trazemos conosco.
c) das modalidades de exercícios físicos que realizamos.
d) da complexidade de exercícios intelectuais a que somos expostos.
e) de nosso engajamento em atividades intelectuais e sociais.
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