FUVEST 2008 – Questão 60

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Researchers studying 313 healthy Vietnam veterans have found that anger, depression and hostility may increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Over a period of ten years, the men had regular physical examinations involving a wide variety of medical tests. They also underwent psychological examinations using well-established questionnaires to determine their levels of hostility, anger and depression. 
The researchers measured blood levels of a protein called C3, a marker for the inflammation that is a risk factor for cardiovascular illnesses. After controlling for other variables, the scientists found that those in the highest one-quarter in hostility, anger and depression showed a steady and significant increase in C3 levels, while those in the lowest one-quarter had no increase.
Stuart Goldenbergwww.nytimes.com, August 14, 2007. Adaptado.
Os resultados do estudo mencionado no texto sugerem que
a) os níveis da proteína C3 diminuem em homens que passaram por experiências traumáticas de guerra.
b) níveis altos de hostilidade são potencial ameaça à saúde mental.
c) doenças cardiovasculares podem estar relacionadas aos níveis de hostilidade, raiva e depressão.
d) baixa ingestão de proteínas pode causar raiva e depressão, estimulando comportamentos hostis.
e) os veteranos do Vietnã analisados estavam menos deprimidos que o esperado.
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