FUVEST 2008 – Questão 58
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Locate parts of a text that sustain an answer or a position
Esta questão recebeu 4 comentários
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Which one is an advice?a) It might rain this weekend.b) He must be very rich.c) You should study more.d) I couldn't speak English before Going To England.e) It can happen to anyone.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 16
What happened to their feet? They cut ___________.
a) itself
b) themselves
c) himself
d) myself
e) herselfBase dudow 2000 – Questão 48
The narrator's daughters:
a) Decided to put in a carton all the clothes they had.
b) Asked a small amount of money for the “junk” they decided to sell.
c) Were hesitant whether they should charge for the “junk” they had put in the box.
d) Were surprised when a man drove off with all the contents that were in the box.
e) Didn't charge for the “junk” they had put in a carton.FUVEST 2018 – Questão 1
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