FUVEST 2005 – Questão 88

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
LOS ANGELES – Come in a couple years, Warner Brothers Pictures hopes to usher “Superman” into thousands of theaters after a 19-year absence. But given the tortured history surrounding that studio’s attempts to revive “Superman,” the forerunner of Hollywood’s now-ubiquitous comic-book blockbusters, the Man of Steel’s arrival would be nothing short of a miracle.
Since Warner began developing a remake of the successful comic-book franchise in 1993, it has spent nearly $10 million in development, employed no fewer than 10 writers, hired four directors and met with scores of Clark Kent hopefuls without settling on one. The latest director – Bryan Singer, who directed “X-Men” and its sequel, was named to replace Joseph McGinty Nichol, known as McG, who left the project after refusing to board a plane to Australia, where the studio was determined to make the film.
According to the passage, Joseph McGinty Nichol
a) replaced Bryan Singer as the director of “Superman”.
b) wanted to shoot “Superman” in Australia.
c) is an executive director at Warner Brothers Pictures.
d) is no longer working on the “Superman” project.
e) has co-directed “X-Men” and its sequel.
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