FGV 2017 – Questão 36

Linguagens / Inglês
By Niki Wilson
  Slipper limpets, a type of sea snail [caracol], have evolved a reproductive strategy that makes the most of their size at different points in their lifetime. Smaller limpets are males, their tiny stature no barrier to producing energy-cheap sperm. Once larger, thelimpets transition  to females capable of investing energy into producing and sheltering multiple eggs.
   The exact size at which this sex change occurs varies between individuals. The presence of other slipper limpets can trigger or delay the  change, but the mechanism behind this social influence has been  unclear. A new study from biologists Rachel Collin and
Allan Carrillo-Baltodano at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama provides the first step in solving this puzzle.
   The researchers hypothesized that slipper limpets affect each other either via a waterborne chemical cue, which is a prevalent mode of signaling among aquatic species, or via direct contact. They tested these possibilities in an experiment in which  pairs of male limpets, one small and one  large, were kept in plastic cups. In some cups the snails were free to touch each other, but in others a mesh screen separated the two,while still allowing water to flow between their compartments.
   It turned out that when limpets were allowed to touch one another, the larger males grew more quickly and generally  changed into females faster than large males in the partitioned cups. The smaller snails in the contact condition also delayed sex change longer than those partitioned. Physical touch between individuals,not chemical  messages carried through the water, thus plays an important role in timing the sex transition.
   “That was kind of a surprise,” says Collin, given that slipper limpets spend most of their lives stationary and filter-feeding . “What we don ́t know is how that contact is facilitating transition.”
Adapted from Natural History March 2016.
In the last paragraph, when Rachel Collin says, “That was kind of a surprise,” she is most likely referring to the
discovery that
a) in rare cases, physical contact with another slipper limpet may cause a female slipper limpet to transition into a male.
b) the start of a slipper limpet’s transition from male to female is influenced by another slipper limpet’s physical contact and not by chemical messages carried through the water.
c) slipper limpets spend most of their lives stationary and filter-feeding.
d) larger slipper limpets react differently to physical touch and chemical messages than do smaller slipper limpets.
e) chemical messages carried through water inhibit rather than encourage the growth and sexual transition of male slipper limpets.

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