FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 45
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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According to the paragraph “‘Are we here because we’re black or are we here because we're intelligent?’ asked Sam Mgobozi, 19, a middle-class black student who attended a first-rate high school in Durban and finds affirmative action...UFRGS - Inglês 2010 – Questão 69
According to the text, John Pareles believes it is not possible to forget the Woodstock Festival because
a) it was an event that defined a generation and had a positive result.
b) the disorder and violence were extreme.
c) the end result was disastrous and continued for a long time.
d) it marked the beginning of a series of concerts afterwards.
e) the discomfort endured by those who attended the festival was impossible to forget.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 57
Princess Anne is …………………………………..
a) Queens‘s of England daughter.
b) The queen‘s of England‘s daughter.
c) The Queen of England‘s daughter.
d) England‘s the Queen daughter.
e) The daughter of the Queen of England‘s.UNIFESP port e inglês 2011 – Questão 41
According to the text,
a) chimpanzees have the same laughing pattern as humans.
b) one responds to laughing if people around are laughing too.
c) laughter is prompted mostly by a joke or a trick.
d) both Provine and Panksepp agree that laughter is a social response.
e) children laugh as soon as they start learning a language.FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 26
Nesse poema, como em outros do livro Boitempo, encontra-se:
a) a elaboração poética de lembranças do autor.
b) o registro objetivo do cotidiano mais elementar.
c) a condenação da vida mecânica, criada pelo capital, e a esperança de um mundo correto.
d) o adensamento da expressão a fim de retratar, principalmente, os dramas políticos do ser humano.
e) a representação da vida como uma “ordem” que não admite alheamento e que leva à solidariedade para com os homens.