FATEC 2015 – Questão 28

Linguagens / Inglês
A questão deve ser respondida tendo como base a informação contidas no seguinte artigo.
Wearable tech for kids coming from LeapFrog
By Doug Gross, CNN
updated 12:57 PM EDT, Thu May 1, 2014
(CNN) – The wearable technology movement is in full effect and exercise-based activity trackers lead the way. Now, it’s becoming child’s play,
LeapFrog, the maker of education-oriented tablets and apps for children, has unveiled1 LeapBand, a wearable activity tracker designed with kids in mind.
The band fits around the user’s wrist and looks a lot like a kids version of a smartwatch. By performing actions like “walk like a crab,” “spin like a helicopter” or “pop like popcorn”, kids can unlock new games and a group or Pokemon-like “digital pets” on the device.
The band connects to a website or app that lets parents monitor their children’s activities and choose which challenges they can select, and which they can’t.
Moving past smartphones and tablets, wearable tech has become arguably the hottest digital trend in the past year or so.
Acesso em: 20.07.2014. Adaptado)

1unveil: revelar, apresentar
Ainda sobre a LeapBand, pode-se afirmar corretamente que
a) os pais gostam mais dela do que dos Pokemons.
b) os pais podem selecionar os desafios que as crianças podem tentar.
c) ela faz com que as crianças pratiquem menos exercícios físicos.
d) ela não se conecta à internet, tirando as crianças da frente dos computadores.
e) ela tem provocado insegurança nos pais, pois os filhos a usam para se conectar à internet.

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