FATEC 2004 – Questão 15

Linguagens / Inglês
FORGET HIDING IN THE basement. Brits worried about their safety can now purchase a completely bombproof house, made by the steel manufacturer Corus. The Surefast shelter, launched earlier this month, is constructed out of steel panels that are slot-ted together and filled with concrete. But don’t expectto just throw it together at the last minute: it takes several people 10 hours – and the help of a heavy crane – to assemble the two-story, £50,000 structure.In tests the shelter has successfully withstood every-thing from car bombs to blowtorches. Still, it offers no protection from biological or chemical weapons. Forclean air, inhabitants had best outfit their bombproof homes with the Dominick Hunter Group’s regenerativeNBC filtration system. (The British Army is now instal-ling it in its tanks.) Breathable air doesn’t come cheap,either: a filter to support 10 people starts at £50,000.
Newsweek, April 14, 2003
Considere a frase do texto "Still, it offers no protection from biological or chemical weapons.".
Assinale a alternativa em que a transposição dessa frase para a voz passiva está correta, completando a frase abaixo.
Still, no protection from biological or chemical wea-pons.
a) are offered.
b) is offered.
c) was offered.
d) were offered.
e) have been offered.

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