ENEM PPL Espanhol 2015 – Questão 3
Linguagens / Espanhol / Interpretação de texto / Diversidade cultural
Esta questão recebeu 60 comentários
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
UFABC 2006 - 2007 – Questão 63
Em "People can drink far more water than necessary putting them at risk of intoxication, which can be fatal", a palavra which substitui o termo:
a) fatal
b) necessary
c) intoxication
d) people
e) waterUNESP 2005 – Questão 77
Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da sentença: When one or more signs of depression persist, parents ..........................................professional help.
a) would have to look for
b) are looking for
c) have to look for
d) would have had to look for
e) looked forBase dudow 2000 – Questão 37
According to Dr. Astrup, the problem with the Atkins diet is that:
a) dieters' weight loss is largely derived from water loss.
b) its several side-effects can be harmful to people's health.
c) its side-effects are similar to those reported on conventional diets.
d) people have to choose between the high-fat and the low-fat groups.
e) not many people can reduce radically the consumption of carbohydrates.UFSCar - Por e Ing 2008 – Questão 14
Os referentes their e the ones destacados no texto se referem respectivamente a:
a) mulheres e crianças.
b) habilidades físicas e crianças.
c) testes padronizados e mulheres.
d) alunos de 3as e 5as séries e crianças.
e) corpos e cérebros.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 73
What´s the theme of this sport news?a) It´s about Robinho who didn´t reach the topb) It´s about the contract of Dunga and all his staffc) It´s about the contract of the new Brazilian´s teamd) It´s about the Brazilian team which lost the Cupe) It´s about the dismissal of Dunga and all his staff