ENEM Espanhol 2016 – Questão 5
Linguagens / Espanhol / Interpretação de texto / Diversidade cultural
Esta questão recebeu 76 comentários
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No texto acima:
a) Ao dizer “I don't want this hat either” Heather estava discordando da irmã que queria livrar-se das roupas usadas.
b) As meninas levaram a caixa com roupas no carro
c) Ao escreverem “Free Box” queriam que as pessoas levassem a caixa como brinde ao comprarem peças no Tag sale.
d) Na frase “And the cleaning went on for hours”, o phrasal verb em negrito significa “continuar”
e) O verbo to get rid of significa “encaixotar”.UNIFESP port e inglês 2016 – Questão 34
On her 18th birthday, Malala
a) decided to live in Lebanon to help refugees establish schools.
b) talked to 200 welcoming girls aged 14 to 18.
c) celebrated in a school drawing butterflies with other girls.
d) visited three schools for refugees in Syria.
e) urged world leaders to invest in education and not in weapons.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 3
Janet: Look, our boat is sinking!
Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim?
Janet: Yes, but we won't have to, there's a life boat on board.
In the above dialogue, the verbs "can" and "have to" express respectively ______ and ______ .
Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada.
a) ability - obligation
b) permission - prohibition
c) possibility - prohibition
d) permission - possibility
e) ability – necessityBase dudow 2000 – Questão 34
(F.C.Chagas) He ………….have a large family. He bought so much food.
a) can
b) will
c) would
d) could
e) must