ENEM Espanhol 2012 – Questão 4
Linguagens / Espanhol / Interpretação de texto / Vocabulário
Esta questão recebeu 89 comentários
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UNESP 2005 – Questão 77
Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da sentença: When one or more signs of depression persist, parents ..........................................professional help.
a) would have to look for
b) are looking for
c) have to look for
d) would have had to look for
e) looked forBase dudow 2000 – Questão 11
Choose the correct sentence:
a) Is you going to travel tonight?
b) I will written the story.
c) I have to studied for the test tomorrow.
d) I would bought this car.
e) I studied hard for the test.UERJ 2007 – Questão 17
According to the third paragraph, excessive freedom promotes a reaction of:
a) genuine passion
b) intense rejection
c) limited tolerance
d) inadequate behaviorENEM 1ª Aplicação Espanhol 2018 – Questão 5
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...UNESP (julho) 2012 – Questão 30
Em qual alternativa todas as palavras, conforme utilizadas
na letra da música, são formas verbais?
a) Accustomed, away, knew, met, was.
b) Ever, hand, match, waiting, were.
c) Accustomed, hand, know, owe, was.
d) Away, ever, met, snatch, waiting.
e) Attached, knew, met, owe, were.