ENEM Digital Espanhol 2020 – Questão 3
Linguagens / Espanhol
Esta questão recebeu 50 comentários
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 19
Assinale a alternativa em que o uso do futuro não está adequado:
a) - Why are you filling that bucket with water?
- I’m going to wash the car.
b) - John, do you want me to take you to the airport?
- No, thanks, Alan is going to take me.
c) - Did you post that letter for me?
- Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I’ll do it right now.
d) - Did George decide what to do in his vacation?
- Oh, Yes. Everything is planned. He will travel to the Caribbean for a few weeks.UERJ 2019 – Questão 63
Perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco (ref.3)
Así como en el verso arriba, una relación de antítesis se establece en:
a) Y en las multitudes el hombre que yo amo (ref.5)
b) Y luz alumbrando la ruta del alma del que estoy amando (ref.7)
c) Cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano (ref.12)
d) Me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto (ref.13)
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 61
According to the cartoon, we can correctly complete the sentence “Garfield is, in fact, ___________ the mouse” with the following word:
a) hunting
b) disturbing
c) helping
d) feeding
e) shakingUEMA ESPANHOL 2022 – Questão 4
Considerando el cuadro 3 ¿A qué huele el personaje según su compañera?
a) nicho
b) cueva
c) morada
d) hueco
e) cajitaUERJ 2011 – Questão 19
I have a large measure of confidence that future archeologists and historians will conclude that innovations such as a code-speak called “Instant Messaging”, or a music box called “iPod” or a makebelieve room called “MySpace” inexorably set us on a path of alienation and individualism.
The underlined segment has the function of:
a) justifying
b) illustrating
c) emphasizing
d) recapitulating