ENEM 2 Linguagens e Matemática 2016 – Questão 95
Linguagens / Inglês
Esta questão recebeu 347 comentários
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FUVEST 2007 – Questão 77
According to the text, the Chilean president
a) will fight for significant changes in women’s political participation in the country.
b) has demonstrated political strength in Chile’s Congress since her election.
c) is seen with caution with respect to improvement in women’s position in the country.
d) hopes Chilean women will reach the same level as women in the other South American countries.
e) is worried about the percentage of women’s political participation in Chile.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 19
We didn´t go out because it was raining _________________ .
a) Heavy
b) Hardly
c) Badly
d) Heavily
e) LatelyUERJ 2019 – Questão 25
For example, unusually heavy rains may predispose regions to ebola outbreaks (ref.12)
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Qual alternativa apresenta o uso da regra do caso errado?
a) James’s car is black.
b) That man’s clothes are in the closet.
c) Peter and Mary’s car.
d) My mother’s job.
e) Those boys eyes.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 81
Check the correct use of tag questions:
a) Let´s go shopping, shall we?
b) Let´s go shopping, don´t we?
c) Let´s go shopping, won´t we?
d) Let´s go shopping, shouldn´t we?
e) Let´s go shopping, didn´t we