Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 59

Linguagens / Inglês / Conjunctions / Subordinating Conjunctions
The Parthenon, one of the monuments erected on the sacred rock of the Acropolis, is the major attraction for visitors of the modern city of Athenas. It was built between 447 and 438 B. C. as the holy sanctuary of the goddess Athena.
A good portion of the Parthenon is still standing having withstood centuries of such catastrophes as earthquakes and bombardments by foreign invaders. However, this moment of classical perfection is being slowly eaten away by man's modern catastrophe, pollution. More damage has been done to the Parthenon in the past 30 years than in all the 2.000 years preceding them. While parts have been restored, plans are presently being discussed to remove the temple permanently from its ancient site and place it in a museum.
Although the Parthenon is still being visited and admired by thousands of people each year, the question now being asked is "for how long?"

Source: ECKSTUT, S.; MILLER, T. Interlink. New York:
"Prentice Hall".
No texto acima, o que as palavras destacadas indicam? Assinale a alternativa incorreta:
a) between 447 and 438 BC – indicação de tempo
b) such as – exemplificação
c) however - contraste de ideias
d) more… than – comparação
e) although – sequência de ideias

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