Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 1
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
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FATEC 2013 – Questão 29
No terceiro parágrafo, o pronome it em – Because it sits along the southern Pacific Ocean – pode ser substituído, de maneira a manter o sentido original do texto, por
a) Lima.
b) water.
c) metro.
d) Americas.
e) billboard. UERJ 2007 – Questão 18
...they’re willing to forgive and let bygones be bygones, (ref.4)
The expression let bygones be bygones is related to the idea present in:
a) “we continue to love them no matter what their choice.” (ref.2)
b) “forgiveness and letting go of past wounds and old resentments” (ref.5)
c) “we all have moments of indiscretion, rudeness, poor judgment,” (ref.6)
d) “refusing to move on and accumulating, enumerating and collecting instances of bad
behavior,” (ref.7)UERJ 2012 – Questão 17
The logical relationship between clauses establishes different notions. An example which expresses the notion of concession is indicated in:
a) Since public understanding is harder to change than terminology.
b) If this new term was intended to be clear.
c) Because so much political speech involves defending the indefensible.
d) This, though, isn’t clear when it is simply labelled “clean coal”.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 12
Complete: If we didn‘t study, we……………………the past tense of the irregular verbs.
a) won‘t know
b) will know
c) know
d) wouldn‘t know
e) didn‘t know.UFABC 2006 - 2007 – Questão 63
Em "People can drink far more water than necessary putting them at risk of intoxication, which can be fatal", a palavra which substitui o termo:
a) fatal
b) necessary
c) intoxication
d) people
e) water