Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 52
Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The present perfect tense
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According to the text,
...UERJ 2006 – Questão 19
Reflexive pronouns have two distinct uses: basic and emphatic. The reflexive pronoun used emphatically is found in:
a) “the oppressed resign themselves to their doom.” (ref.1)
b) “They tacitly adjust themselves to oppression,” (ref.2)
c) “The enforcement of the law itself” (ref.5)
d) “our end is a community at peace with itself.” (ref.8)UERJ 2012 – Questão 18
In the second paragraph, Kazantzakis introduces a flashback, an interruption in the telling of the major action to show an episode that happened at an earlier time.
In this narrative, the flashback has the function of:
a) achieving a surprise effect
b) emphasizing the main event
c) providing extra information
d) creating a suspenseful moodUFSM PS2 - todas menos Fil, His, Esp - resoluções 2011 – Questão 52
Assinale com verdadeira (V) ou falsa (F) as afirmações a seguir sobre o mar Aral.
( ) Desde os anos 60 até 2007, ele diminuiu de 68.000 km² para 6.800 km².
( ) Em 2008, sua profundidade máxima era de 42 metros.
( ) A região ao redor do mar Aral tornou-se menos populosa.
A sequência correta é
a) V - V - F.
b) F - F - V.
c) F - V - V.
d) F - V - F.
e) V - F - FUERJ 2008 – Questão 20
American songwriter and singer Melissa Etheridge wrote I need to wake up for Al Gore´s documentary on global
warming entitled An inconvenient truth.
In the first stanza, the feeling expressed by the writer is best described as that of:
a) self-criticism
b) self-protection
c) self-indulgence
d) self-compassion