Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 24

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Bully for you
The makers of a controversial computer game about bullying decided to go ahead and launch it despite calls for it to be banned. In the game, players are new students at a school and have to fight the bullies, by punching them or hitting them with a baseball bat. Critics said that the game encourages violence, but the makers deny this and say that, while there is violence in the game, it is just a copy of school life, besides; the violence in the game is directed against the bullies to protect students who are being bullied. The makers also say that players will learn to stand up to bullies. A British politician, a former minister, has called for it to be banned as it might affect the way young people perceive violence. Anti-bullying organizations have said that the game might make people respond violently to bullies, which might make things more complicated and result in injuries.

Por que o jogo causou tanta comoção?
a) Porque é um jogo violento que combate violência escolar com mais violência.
b) Porque foi lançado recentemente e seu preço é exorbitante.
c) Porque foi considerado um dos melhores jogos da última década.
d) Porque o primeiro ministro britânico fez a propaganda do produto.
e) Porque antes de ser lançado formalmente foi pirateado e distribuído pela internet.
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