Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 1
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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The author organizes her ideas in the text in a schematic way that consists of:
a) introducing the writer’s point of view first and then the reader’s perspective
b) shifting the focus from the reader to the writer and finally back to the reader
c) describing the writer’s attributions and the reader’s perceptions simultaneously
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...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 2
When the manager arrived, the problem _____.
a) was been solved already
b) should to be solved yet
c) had already been solved
d) has still been solved
e) had already solvedBase dudow 2000 – Questão 7
Complete with the appropriate preposition.
I - My wife was very glad ....... taking a trip abroad.
II - Are you hopeful ....... receiving a nice gift?
III - Whatever is good ....... you will be acceptable ....... me.
IV - Criminals belong ....... jail.
a) I - in; II - about; III - for; for IV - to
b) I - about; II - of; III - for; to IV - in
c) I - with; II - for; III - for; to IV -on
d) I - on; II - of; III - about; for IV - to
e) I - of; II - in; III - to; to IV –atBase dudow 2000 – Questão 58
Todas alternativas abaixo apresentam advérbios de modo, exceto:
a) very
b) slowly
c) quickly
d) well
e) kindly